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  • Jun 26, 2020
    Ultrasonic technology helps HJ PNC in the fight against COVID-19

    Titelbild_d431e1.jpg Ever since the COVID-19 pandemic started to take hold around the world,there has been a serious shortfall in the availability of face masks. However, Korean-based HJ PNC began manufacturing fully automated mask production machines in March to tackle this issue head on.

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  • Jun 17, 2020
    Ultrasonic sieving increases the process quality

    Titelbild_ea1083.jpg Sieving powders is an important process step in many industries, not onlyto remove foreign matter but also to achieve a homogeneous particle size. Therefore, sieving is used wherever powders are produced or processed. It is particularly important that the sieving process does not become a bottleneck in the entire production process. In this case, a practical solution is ultrasonic sieving.

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  • Jun 10, 2020
    Ultrasonic technology for powder processing in 3D printers

    Ultrasonic technology is used in all kinds of applications. In industrial environments, for instance, it is an ideal choice for making cutting, welding, and sieving processes efficient and environmentally sound – but, crucially, keeping them cost-effective.

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  • May 11, 2020
    Plastic vibration welding

    Titel_Website_02.jpg In Europe, Telsonic is adding the vibration friction welding process from Korean manufacturer Daeyoung to its portfolio of plastic bonding technologies.

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  • Mar 28, 2020
    Ultrasonics and electromobility – a powerful combination

    Titelbild_ce396c.jpg Electromobility is now regarded as the key to climate-friendly driving practices, because electric vehicles generate significantly less carbon dioxide per kilometer than vehicles with conventional combustion engines – especially in combination with electricity generated from renewable sources. At the same time, the energy storage systems used by electric vehicles can compensate for fluctuations in the electricity grid by means of wind and solar power, thereby supporting the expansion and market integration of these energy sources.

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  • Mar 27, 2020
    Ultrasonic technology for respiratory masks

    Titelbild_b05591.jpg Face masks significantly help to protect the respiratory tract from dust andprevent viral infections. Effective mouth protection significantly helps to slow down the spread of viruses.

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