Latest News

  • Apr 16, 2015
    Exhibition success: TELSONIC at the Productronica China

    full-halls-at-productronica-china_neutral_01.jpg The new TELSONIC design booth impressed visitors with a modern and high quality image. It attracted many visitors and reinforced TELSONIC’s professional image on the international level.

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  • Mar 31, 2015
    Keeping Trim with TELSONIC Ultrasonics

    robots_in_cell_new.jpg Machine builder and system integrator TEC Systems Limited chose TELSONICs’ ultrasonic technology to produce door cap components for Jaguar cars.

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  • Mar 31, 2015
    Business Booms for TELSONIC

    news_UK_2.jpg TELSONIC’s involvement with the UK spans almost 40 years and during that period the company has not only weathered the significant challenges faced by UK manufacturing, but continued to thrive year on year.

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  • Jan 13, 2015
    10th anniversary: TELSONIC subsidiary in Kac/Serbia

    10_Jahres_Jubilaeum_Kac_Serbien_2014_web.jpg The constant sales growth of the TELSONIC Group prompted the management to extend the capacity of the machines and personal by opening the subsidiary in Kac/Serbia in 2004. Now, 10 years on, a new production building has been opened.

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  • Dec 19, 2014
    "TELSONIC is offering reliable, customer-specific ultrasonic solutions"

    Ch_Ziltener_Flawa_Endkontrolle.jpg TELSONIC and FLAWA look back on a strong partnership of more than 25 years. Together, they successfully implement customer-specific ultrasonic solutions for special-purpose machines and are breaking new ground in installation construction. In this interview, Christoph Ziltener is sharing insights on the interesting and complex field of product development with us.

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  • Nov 3, 2014
    Exhibition review: TELSONIC at the Fakuma

    fakuma1.png This year’s Fakuma – International trade fair for plastics processing - registered a visitor’s record with over 45’000 visitors coming from 117 countries and 1’772 exhibitors from 36 different nations.

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TELSONIC Ultrasonics Inc.

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