Latest News

  • Nov 5, 2020
    Telsonic’s PowerWheel® technology delivers weight saving benefits in automotive cable assemblies

    Titelbild_cfa207.jpg Aluminium cables are now becoming commonplace in automotive on-board power supply systems. The typical assembly process for these cables often involves securely welding and crimping large cross section aluminium cables within a thick walled tubular copper cable lug.

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  • Oct 9, 2020
    Fakuma VIRTUAL 2020

    Titel_700_03.jpg We present our virtual showroom to you on the new digital exhibition platform Fakuma VIRTUELL. Telsonic Ultrasonics is an application specialist - the right solution for every task.

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  • Oct 9, 2020
    Economic, ecological and eco-friendly

    Titelbild_Web_08.jpg Modern filling systems for beverage packaging operate with capacities of tens of thousands of packages per hour. This places high demands on the cycle times of all processes, including packaging.

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  • Oct 9, 2020
    Telsonic’s ultrasonic technology powers the manufacture of copper-infused fabric masks

    Titelbild_Web_02.jpg As the fight against COVID-19 intensifies around the world the use of face masks has become mandatory within many everyday environments. Although the wide range of standard mask types commonly used today do provide protection for both the wearer and those in the immediate vicinity, a new report, published in the Lancet journal, found the Coronavirus is capable of surviving on the outside of a face mask for 7 days.

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  • Jul 30, 2020
    Sealing packagings with ultrasonic – the sustainable technology of the future

    Nachhaltigkeit_Kombi_03.jpg Telsonic provides a fast, effective and ecological sealing technology to global food producers: The torsional ultrasonic sealing technology SONIQTWIST® is 200% gentler on the material and the packaged goods.

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  • Jul 15, 2020
    Productronica trade fair in Shanghai

    productronica_Shanghai_2020_01.jpg Many thanks to everyone who visited the Telsonic booth at Productronica 2020 in China. Despite the pandemic effect of Covid-19, Telsonic is committed to a long-term presence in China and is looking for every opportunity to meet friends and customers.

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