Latest News

  • Jun 22, 2018
    Technology Day 2018

    Technology_day_TEUM_Kopie.jpg Technology Day 2018 at Telsonic in Michigan was a complete success. Visitors were lining up at 8:00 AM in the front lobby, and by 8:15 we had no more parking spaces available.

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  • Jun 19, 2018
    Secure contacts for automotive engineering

    Titelbild_Stocko_01.jpg Special solutions are often required for electrical contacts in the automotive sector. Examples include spark plug connectors, special contacts for items such as lambda probes, exhaust systems and ABS, and the manufacture of holders and sockets for sidelights, indicators and headlamps.

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  • Jun 18, 2018
    Powerful but gentle

    Titelbild_19.jpg Securely contacting thick cables in the tubular cable lug with an ultrasonic welding process is already challenge enough. But when a top-class connection needs to be created between different materials with aluminium and nickel-plated copper, the requirements are even higher.

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  • Jun 12, 2018
    Innovation & Performance

    Titelbild_web_06.jpg This was demonstrated and emphasized by our ultrasound specialists from Switzerland and Italy at the Plast 2018, the largest and most important southern European plastics trade fair, which was recently held in Milan.

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  • Jun 1, 2018
    Thank you for visiting our booth at the NPE 2018

    WEb.png Thank you to everyone who made NPE 2018 a huge success! We introduced several new plastic joining technologies at NPE 2018 in Orlando, FL. The show dates were May 7‑11, 2018.

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  • May 4, 2018
    Tracking the sun

    Titelbild_13.jpg Our planet's climate is shaped by a complex interplay between the absorption and reflection of solar radiation. An important variable in this is Total Solar Irradiance (TSI), which exhibits variations based on sun activity and in this way could ideally even contribute to slowing down global warming.

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