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  • Mar 20, 2018
    Splicing of multi-conductors and twisted wires by Ultrasonic

    csm_Titelbild_06_7d7e826ab6.jpg Ultrasonic welding is increasingly used to create electrical connections, e.g. in the automotive industry. Typical applications are stranded wire splicing in benchtop as well as final assembly boards for wire harnesses.

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  • Mar 9, 2018
    Securely contacting aluminium

    Titelbild_01.jpg Lightweight construction is an important trend in the automotive industry. As well as cutting down on weight – e.g. through the use of aluminium – it enables significant cost savings.

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  • Dec 22, 2017
    Robot Mounted Ultrasonics Boost Productivity and Flexibility for Linecross Group

    Titelbild_web_01.jpg Telsonic’s Ultrasonic modules and systems have been designed to be applied in a diverse number of ways. For many applications, where there are few variations in part type or size, a dedicated automation solution is often the most appropriate. However, where ultimate flexibility is required, either due to the complex shape of a part or the need to process different parts or products, then the most appropriate solution is often to mount the ultrasonic technology to a 6-axis robot system.

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  • Dec 1, 2017
    Telsonic’s Automotive Partnership Drives Forward

    Titelbild_Website_01.jpg Partnership is a term synonymous with the automotive sector, however the true test of this is a successful long-term relationship between customer and supplier on multiple projects.

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  • Nov 28, 2017
    Industry 4.0 demands stability, safety and flexibility in ultrasonic welding processes

    Titelbild_MAG_Website_01.jpg What modern ultrasonic generators need to do today to meet the requirements of Industry 4.0 and fully-automatic production processes.

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  • Nov 24, 2017
    Productronica, Munich 2017

    Titelbild_Productronica2017_01.jpg At this year's Productronica, the focus was firmly on not only the Internet of Things, but also big data and miniaturisation.

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