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  • May 17, 2019
    MAG digital ultrasonic generator: Flexible and powerful

    MAG-C3_Bus_Group5_020_01.jpg The MAG ultrasonic generator range from Telsonic is predestined for simple and complex welding and cutting tasks in production lines, individual workstations and special systems. Typical areas of application include welding of plastics and non-ferrous metals, cut'n'seal processes for nonwovens or portioning of food.

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  • May 17, 2019
    Telsonic in China and Korea

    Titelbild_90.jpg The Swiss Telsonic Group has been offering its industrial ultrasonic solutions through representation in Europe, America and Asia since 1966. Already in China (main office in Shenzhen) since 2007 and more recently in Korea (Seoul, Uiwang Gyeonggi-do) since 2017, with around 40 employees, Telsonic is doing business with local and international customers in the automotive supplier industry.

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  • May 14, 2019
    Ultrasonic technology supports the development of innovative trends

    Titelbild_84.jpg Ultrasonic technology is probably best known from the diagnostic field, where it is used to create images of unborn children. However, ultrasonics are also used in many industrial processes, for example, to join or cut plastics and metals as well as to separate, cut or screen.

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  • May 7, 2019
    Telsonic Deliver Sound Solution

    Titelbild_78.jpg Telsonic’s ultrasonic technology is fast becoming the process of choice fora growing number of automotive component manufacturers.

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  • Apr 5, 2019
    Coffee pods that pack a punch

    Titelbild_web_09.jpg Coffee pods are on trend. They are particularly popular with consumers due to their full-bodied flavour and the ease with which they allow drinks to be prepared.

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  • Apr 2, 2019
    7th International Conference Automotive Wire Harness

    Titel_News_PIAE2019_01.jpg TELSONIC Ultrasonics showcases new example applications at conference

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