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  • Oct 18, 2023
    Ultrasonic welding of wire harness applications in the automotive industry

    telcar_web.jpg The automotive industry is in constant motion, driven by innovation and progress. A key technology fueling this evolution is ultrasonic welding of wire harness applications. This method, combined with the trend towards automation and electrification, sets new standards in terms of efficiency and sustainability.

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  • Oct 11, 2023
    Ultrasonic technology in 3D printer powder processing – a revolution supported by Telsonic

    pulver.jpg Screening powder with ultrasonics in 3D printing helps to efficiently remove clumps and other contaminations. It optimizes the process, saves time, and ensures the reuse of valuable powder material.

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  • Sep 8, 2023
    Ultrasonic Welding - The Environmentally Friendly Technology for a Sustainable Future

    sustain_quer.jpeg In a time where environmental consciousness and sustainability play an increasingly vital role, it is crucial to leverage innovative technologies that make a positive contribution to reducing environmental impact. Ultrasonic welding is one such technology that is environmentally friendly in multiple ways and significantly contributes to promoting sustainability across various industries.

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  • Aug 31, 2023
    The Net Value of the Ultrasonic Metal Welding Process

    Bildschirmfoto_2023-08-30_um_16.02.09.png There are many factors to consider when deciding on a metal joining method including its tangible and intangible features. Depending on the application, the investment will vary based on joining design, materials to be welded, geometrical shapes, dimensions and sizes, environmental effects, and the mechanical and electrical integrity that the given product demands.

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  • Aug 7, 2023
    Telsonic receives the SIQT Innovation Award for Electrical Engineering 2023/24

    Siegel_EN_Telsonic_Kopie.jpg Telsonic has been honored by the Swiss Institute for Quality Tests (SIQT) as one of the most innovative mid-sized companies in Switzerland for 2023/24. In the field of electrical engineering, Telsonic achieved an outstanding 7th place.

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  • Aug 3, 2023
    SIG customers benefit from groundbreaking ultrasound innovation

    sig_neo_neu_03.jpg The ease of integration of the Telsonic ultrasonic technology within this latest generation filling and packaging system from SIG clearly demonstrates the flexibility and capability of the ultrasonic welding process, together with its ability to meet the combined demands of high performance alongside a much-reduced carbon footprint.

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