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  • Feb 1, 2023
    Ultrasonic welding for secure electrical connection

    Titelbild_249ab9.jpg Ultrasonically welded wire terminal connections of a servomotor, for the Ferrari Purosangue wheel suspension

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  • Jan 27, 2023
    Sustainable, flexible and fast

    TitelbildAudi_01.jpg Lightweight construction is set to become an increasingly popular choice as the automotive industry seeks to cut down on weight and save energy while adding more and more functions to vehicles.

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  • Nov 28, 2022
    Ultrasonic welding is a marathon, not a sprint

    Titelbild_49bb10.jpg Ultrasonic welding has proven its worth in many applications, such as in cable and plug connections for electromobility. However, the technology is continuously developing.

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  • Nov 7, 2022
    Telsonic’s Telso®Terminal TT7 Leads The Digital Revolution In Ultrasonic Metal Welding

    Bildschirm__foto_2022-11-07_um_09.21.39.png Manufacturing has changed in recent years with many sectors placing a greater emphasis on flexible production, faster product changeover, and smaller batch sizes. This means that manufacturers, and the technologies they use, need to be more agile if they are to meet the changing demands of their customers.

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  • Nov 2, 2022
    A Sound Solution For Manufacturers

    Titelbildl.jpg Ultrasonic Technology Explained In Brief. This article by Telsonic’s Reinhard Züst investigates the science behind the technology to provide a valuable insight into this powerful manufacturing process.

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  • Oct 25, 2022
    An Introduction To Vibration Welding

    Titelbild_e5dfc9.jpg The choice of joining technology in any application is influenced by a range of factors including material combinations, the size of the component, its geometry, production volumes and of course any functional requirements.

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