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  • Jun 19, 2017
    Welding batteries and accumulators safely

    Titelbild_Battery_01.jpg Metal and plastic welding techniques for batteries have their own particular challenges. Tight spaces, very thin films and interfering contours always require special solutions.

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  • Jun 13, 2017
    Homogenous powder for battery production

    Batterie_Sieben_01.jpg The shift towards e-mobility is presenting an enormous challenge for battery production too. And so production processes in the future not only need to be significantly more cost-effective, they also need to be much faster.

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  • May 23, 2017
    e-mobility demands battery expertise

    e-mobility_06.jpg Anyone who can offer proven competence in battery production is very much in demand in the age of e-mobility and smartphones. With its strong experience in screening and welding, the Swiss ultrasonics pioneer, Telsonic, is represented in two key processes at the beginning and end of battery production.

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  • May 12, 2017
    VDI conference – “Plastics in automotive engineering 2017”

    Auto_5_02.jpg At the world's largest marketplace for the sector, everything revolved around plastic applications for interiors, exteriors, engines, materials and technologies. With contributions looking at sustainability and reducing carbon dioxide, these two areas were pinpointed as priorities from the wide range of topics.

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  • May 5, 2017
    New Telsonic Ultrasonic Cutting Blade Boosts Efficiencies In Tray Bake Product Portioning

    1704_IMG_5427_01.jpg With the consistency and quality of ultrasonic cutting and portioning becoming more widely recognised, and as the range of applications continues to increase, Telsonic has now developed the widest blade available today, further increasing the efficiencies and capabilities of this process when used for tray bake products.

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  • Apr 12, 2017
    TELSONIC attended The Battery Show Europe, Sindelfingen

    _DSF6085_01.jpg The combination of the Battery Show Europe, together with the Electric & Hybrid Vehicle Technology Expo, fit perfectly for Telsonic. For the first time in Europe and practically before our doorstep, we were able to present our technological range perfectly.

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