May 2, 2022
Technology Days: 7th - 8th June 2022
Telsonic Ultrasonics Inc. is offering a unique opportunity to not only meet our ultrasonic experts, but also to get an inside look at the latest developments in our joining technology.
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Apr 26, 2022
Ultrasonics’ Are The First Choice Plastic Joining Solution
As a highly flexible and powerful joining method, Telsonic’s ultrasonic technology has found its way into a multitude of applications across
numerous industry sectors. Many of the diverse tasks to which this efficient technology has been applied internationally, are as a result
of the innovation of system integrators and machine builders who see the ultrasonic welding process as a robust solution to the joining
challenges faced by their customers.
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Feb 15, 2022
Cartridges for rapid PCR tests
PCR tests are the right choice for detecting infectious viruses such as SARS-CoV-2. Nowadays, anyone can quickly get the results.
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Jan 19, 2022
Digital Innovation for Ultrasonic Metal Welding
Telsonic Launch Telso®Terminal TT7
Telsonic AG, recognised as a world leader in the development and manufacture of Ultrasonic Technology for welding, cutting, cleaning and sieving, once again demonstrate their commitment to product development and innovation with the launch of the new Telso®Terminal TT7.
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Jan 12, 2022
Cut’n’Seal ultrasonics from Telsonic smooths the path to quality and flexible integration
The Cut’n’Seal process uses ultrasonic energy to cut or punch out a range of thermoplastic and synthetic type materials, whilst at the same time sealing the edges.
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Nov 24, 2021
Telsonic AG is once again one of the winners of the Innovation Awards 2021/22
Innovation Award for Telsonic Ultrasonic by the Swiss Institute for Quality Tests (SIQT), now for the second time. The award goes to Swiss companies that have distinguished themselves through their innovative strength.
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