Latest News

  • Oct 5, 2019
    Manufacturing Day at Telsonic Ultrasonics Inc.

    manufacturing_day1.jpg Telsonic had the opportunity to participate in Manufacturing Day on October 04, 2019. We hosted a group of 28 high school students and demonstrated a variety of Telsonic applications.

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  • Jun 28, 2019

    DSC_0593.jpg Telsonic’s Technical Seminars - A great opportunity to deepen your knowledge!

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  • May 18, 2019
    Interview at PIAE about lightweight construction

    Bildschirmfoto_2019-05-18_um_12.31.46_01.png Interview with Claus Regenberg (Telsonic) and Dr. Josef Laux (Magna) on the topic of lightweight construction in the automotive industry.

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  • May 17, 2019
    IFEMA trade fair in Madrid

    1_WEB_03.jpg Industrial robotics specialist Yaskawa Ibérica exhibited at the IFEMA trade fair in Madrid from 7 to 9 May. The Japanese company showcased a range of innovative robot solutions for the plastics industry.

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  • May 17, 2019
    MAG digital ultrasonic generator: Flexible and powerful

    MAG-C3_Bus_Group5_020_01.jpg The MAG ultrasonic generator range from Telsonic is predestined for simple and complex welding and cutting tasks in production lines, individual workstations and special systems. Typical areas of application include welding of plastics and non-ferrous metals, cut'n'seal processes for nonwovens or portioning of food.

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  • May 17, 2019
    Telsonic in China and Korea

    Titelbild_90.jpg The Swiss Telsonic Group has been offering its industrial ultrasonic solutions through representation in Europe, America and Asia since 1966. Already in China (main office in Shenzhen) since 2007 and more recently in Korea (Seoul, Uiwang Gyeonggi-do) since 2017, with around 40 employees, Telsonic is doing business with local and international customers in the automotive supplier industry.

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